Quality in European Mobility
Getting work experience abroad is a significant factor in professional and personal development. Especially in the context of a European labour market that requires flexibility and intercultural knowledge, participation in mobility projects offers a unique chance for young people.
The past decades the European Commission has supported mobility in many ways, by introducing the free movement of workers and systems that allow greater transparency in qualifications between countries (ECVET). Funding possibilities like “Leonardo da Vinci Mobility” or, from 2014 onwards, “Erasmus+” allow people in vocational training as well as teachers and trainers to get further qualifications abroad. But nevertheless there are still obstacles that hinder people in going abroad or problems occur during the placement.
The main objective of this project, funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme (2012-2014) & Erasmus+ programme (2015-2018), is to foster and facilitate the participation in European Mobility projects and to set common standards for end users.
Project details
Project number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002505
Funded by: Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim BiBB
Duration: 09/2015 – 08/2018
Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnützige GmbH (DE), 2013-2018
Associazione Centro Studi Città di Foligno (IT), 2013-2018
Cambra Oficial de Comerç I Industria de Terrassa (ES), 2013-2018
Glasgow Clyde College (UK), 2013-2018
Stichting Landstede (NL), 2015-2018
EPRALIMA – Vocational School of Alto Lima, C.I.P.R.L. (PT), 2013-2015
Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Iasi (RO), 2013-2015
Tele Pedagogic Knowledge Centre (SE), 2013-2015
Documentation Multiplier Event
21 June 2018, Leipzig, Germany
Download presentations
1) Erasmus+ Mobilität – Ein Überblick, Sabine Röhrig-Mahhou, Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnützige GmbH
2) Erasmus+ Mobilitäten aus Perspektive der Bildungseinrichtungen, Kerstin Stollberg, Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Leipzig
3) The perspective of companies, Anna Pajarón, Cambra Oficial de Comerç I Industria de Terrassa
4) Acquiring learning achievements during an Erasmus + mobility – ECVET in EU Mobility, Udo Lut, Stichting Landstede