
You want to initiate a KA1 project- great!

Let´s see step by step what you need to consider and which documents you need:
Register your organisation

In order to be able to apply for Erasmus+ funding or to host a beneficiary you must register your organisation on the EU Login (before European Commission Authentication Service – ECAS) and on the European Commission’s Participant Portal. This documents describes step-by-step how it works.

How to apply for the PIC – the Participant Identification Code

Project outline – from idea to application

Find partners

To find the right partner for your idea is a crucial aspect for the project.

We have a number of quality registered partners who have declared that they have a quality assurance system in place and follow the ethos of the Quality charter for mobilities.

Research the host institution in terms of:

  • its profile and position in the EUKCEM rating
  • the level of qualifications and the field area of your beneficiaries.
  • offers and services for tutoring, monitoring and other important aspects in relation to the stay.
  • costs for the services.

“Partners who need a long time to respond to your e-mails during the application period might also not be reliable during the implementation of your project.”

Susanne Lehr, Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gGmbH, Germany

Mandate, Letter of Intent or Memorandum of Understanding?

In Erasmus+ it is not mandatory anymore for VET projects (except for members of a national consortium), but nevertheless it might be a good idea to confirm your agreements.

This can be either in form of a mandate, a bilateral agreement between the coordinating organisation and each partner organisation taking part in an Erasmus+ project by which the partner organisation authorizes the coordinating organisation to act on its behalf in matters related to the project implementation.

Mandate Template, example 2018

An alternative is a Letter of Intent (LOI), in which the legal representative of the host organisation confirms to accept a certain number of beneficiaries for a programme. LOIs were mandatory in the previous project generation and are still in use. Besides the number of beneficiaries, also the title of the project, the duration and the partner roles and tasks are defined. Many National Agencies asked in addition for a signed Quality Commitment.

More complex and used in KA1 projects with ECVET are the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  in combination with a Learning Agreement (LA). Profound information about these documents can be found here.

Fill in and submit the application

  • Fill in the project application

Update 2019: The KA1 application process will be done via eforms. You need to log-in (EU Login) and will fill in the application online. The sections however correspond mainly to the document we provide below.

How do you fill in the application form, what is meant with certain questions, is there something special to consider? This documents leads you step-by-step through the application form, gives explanations and advice from practicioners.

Erasmus+ KA1 Applications – step-by-step

  • Ask your legal representative to sign the declaration of honour, scan it and upload it as annex to the application form
  • Attach other annexes, e.g. the mandates by your project partners
  • Submit the application

“Check your internet connection, your version of Acrobat reader, accepted browser and windows versions, before submitting your application. Application forms are online and many IT problems might cause troubles in the moment of your project submission to your National Agency.”

Anna Pajaron, Cambra Oficial de Comerç I Industria de Terrassa, Spain

Further information – watch our webinar

In this webinar you get information from practitioners how you can apply for Erasmus+ funding, get tailored information and a step-by-step guide through the application. Besides, questions by attendees were answered.

Keynote speaker:
Anna Pajarón, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Terrassa, Spain

Go on to “Project realisation – preparation”