Learning outcomes identify what the learner will know, understand and be able to do by the end of a training or work placement. They are defined as knowledge, skills and competences which are compiled in „units of learning outcomes“.
To define learning outcomes is a challenging task. In order to support you, we created a video tutorial.
As a support, you can also access our ECVET Database. There you find learning units and outcomes for a large number of occupations, based on the experiences from several successful mobility projects.
If you register or login you besides have the possibility to create your individual learning agreement, based on the outcomes in our database.
Further information – watch our webinar
In this webinar you get information about ECVET (European Credit for Vocational Education and Training) and how to define learning outcomes and units according to ECVET principles. Besides, questions by attendees were answered.
Keynote speaker:
Udo Lut, Regional Education Centre Landstede & member of the Dutch national team of ECVET experts, Zwolle, Netherlands